Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mucking stalls in the barn is my idea of a cardio work out. Scoop, lift, dump in wheel barrow, repeat until full, take said wheel barrow to manure/compost heap and try to dump with out falling in yourself. Repeat until all stalls are clean. Now carry bales of wood shavings to stall, spend 5 minutes on each bale just trying to open, then dump and spread with boots and pitch fork. Ready for hay now! Wrestle bale into position and cut wire (watch your face here it flies out fast) or take the wheel barrow to the round bale and fork hay to the barn the old fashioned way. Freshen the water buckets and let horse into stall. And you think your finished, NOT, not unload the feed from the truck into the feed containers. Then feed all animals, don't forget the horse! Now the day is done, no wait there's kids to feed and a house to clean.

Think I'll just move into the barn and eat hay with the horses

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cricut Imagine!!!!!!!

Is in the house!!!!!!! Well, rather it's in the Scrap Building aka Outback/Australia. She arrived home Monday. And after a rather discouraging day of drafting, I was able to "straighten" the Outback enough to open that HUGE box. After a rather lengthy and frustrating period of setting up, I was able to start playing. I need to start photographing some of my projects and post them for future reference.

Straightening the Outback consisted of clearing then removing a table, put up a 6' lifetime table and leaving everything else where it was (in the floor and stacked).  At least there is a path to the door and said door opens fully!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Even more work!!!!!!

Seems like I forget I have a blog and/or a camera.  Although I am certain that work has taken over my life! I did have a great time last weekend with the scrapbook convention and 4 days of cropping.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Working way too much

Had the idea I would be scrapping and card making much more! Reality is working and drafting much more. Much, much more than I really want to, but bills have to be paid and if the drawings aren't done, we don't get paid.

Other news:
Remington is growing constantly (of course) and constantly making messes of his water. I had forgotten how much work puppies are! It is like having a toddler in the house, toys everywhere and water all over the kitchen floor. I am thinking that there is a reason we forget how much work babies and puppies are! Who would ever want a baby or puppy, if all they remembered was how hard it is after the first one? Remington really is a good puppy. He does try hard to do right, we just have to keep close attention to him and not let him forget to go outside.

I have been really bad about not taking very many pictures and have to remedy this situation!

We took the kiddos clothes shopping yesterday. Going shopping during tax free weekend is NOT fun, going to a movie during tax free weekend is FUN. We loved watching "The Sorcerers' Apprentice" and will be purchasing it on Itunes as soon as it is available! Gotta love Nicholas Cage!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quotable Katie

Katie says "In my world, the impossible is just another possibility!" What a deep thinker my daughter is. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with the ideas, questions and thoughts, she throws out everyday!